You are viewing the product and media offers page for the SKY-CHASER web site. This page is your one-stop place to order stock video (any media requests and inquiries are welcome) as well as full documentaries related to severe weather, tropical cyclones, extreme sports, and much more. All media offered will have instructions on how to order it, a method to "preview" it, and which formats it will be available in. Full documentaries are copyrighted and will be sold at a flat-rate for the video package. High quality STOCK video will be sold at a standard rate, usually as a per-second standard. Other special products such as equipment and hardware will also be presented on this page. For product software, please visit the SOFTWARE PRODUCTS page on this web site (a link to that has been provided on this page too). This page is updated continuously so check back often! |
Sky-Chaser Consulting is also pleased to announce that on-line orders can be accepted via Paypal, a secure, safe, and fast way to purchase any select video documentary on this page! Please review the special ordering page for more details for that video.
This section is for on-line ordering of any videos for sale. Each video is presented with a frame-grab icon image from the video along with a table showing the preview links for that video, video formats available, ordering instructions or page link, and important information such as a detailed storm chase log or information page the video is based upon. Be sure to check the available video formats and rating codes used as described in the "legend" section for the codes included on this page. Both amateurs and professional media firms are encouraged to research and browse this page for media and equipment first, then feel free to contact me about purchasing such.
The link below is for all digital photography in a unique gallery format. All pictures have a preview (watermarked) panel with a title and description of the image. You can easily pick and choose which images to order, which sent to you either digitally (via convenient email) or mailed to you (shipping will be added). Please CLICK the link below (or HERE) to see my collection of fine digital photography and how you can order it for royalty-free usage.
Digital Photography Preview Gallery And Sales Page
Please CLICK on the left-hand side of the table to choose a title to find out how to order or simply get more information on. Click the P## link (if available) to preview a video choice for that title (the ## is a number pertaining to the number of clips available for preview). The previews should take you to an area showing a sample of that video or DVD (preview) or similar, and will use either a link to a media site (such as YouTube) or attempt to play content (such as Real Player). If a plugin (such as Real Player or Flash) is required, you can download it corresponding site (such as REAL MEDIA or link to YOUTUBE). Any other information such as details for a "chase log", full-report, or web page (link) dedicated to the video can also be found in the table for each title.
![]() CHASE2011 |
P01, P02 | DVD | NTSC | PG-13 | Cut To The Chase - A fantastic compilation of nearly 25 YEARS of storm chasing's most intense moments (as far back as 1987)! Storm chasing logs available: STORM CHASING. |
![]() CHASE2010 |
P01, P02, P03, P04, P05, P06, P07, P08, P09 |
DVD | NTSC | PG-13 | Storm Chase 2009 & 2010 - "Two Years Of Storms" DVD documentary showing storm chases in 2009 and 2010. Storm chasing logs available: CHASE #1, CHASE #2, and IGOR. |
![]() CHASE2008 |
P01, P02, P03, P04, P05, P06, P07, P08, P09, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17 |
DVD | NTSC | PG-13 | Storm Chasing "Extreme Seasons" DVD documentary showing all extremes of the "four seasons". Storm chasing logs available: WINTER, CHASE #1, CHASE #2, and tropical chases FAY, GUSTAV, and IKE. |
![]() 20YEARVID |
P01, P02, P03, P04, P05, P06, P07, P08 |
NTSC | PG-13 | 20 Years Of Storm Chasing DVD documentary portraying storm chasing from 1987 through 2007. Large collection of storm chasing logs available at: STORM CHASING. |
![]() HURR05VID |
P01, P02, P03, P04, P05, P06, P07 |
NTSC | PG | Hurricane Chasing 2005 documentary For TS Arlene, and hurricanes Dennis, Katrina, Rita, And Wilma In 2005. Storm chasing logs available: DENNIS, KATRINA, RITA, and WILMA. |
![]() CHAR04VID |
P01 | DVD, VHS |
NTSC | PG-13 | SOLD OUT! Hurricane Charley documentary for 8-13-2004 in Punta Gorda, FL is NO LONGER Available. Storm chasing log and story available: CHARLEY and STORY. |
![]() FURY04VID |
P01, P02, P03 | DVD, VHS |
NTSC | PG | September's Fury Documentary In 2004 for hurricanes Frances, Ivan, and Jeanne. Storm chasing logs available: FRANCES, IVAN, and JEANNE. |
![]() CHASE2005 |
P01, P02, P03, P04, P05 |
NTSC | PG | Storm chase expedition 2005 in US Great Plains for 5-13 to 6-1, 6-9 to 6-13. Storm chasing logs available: CHASE #1 and CHASE #2. |
![]() CHASE2004 |
P01, P02, P03, P04, P05, P06, P07, P08, P09 |
NTSC | PG | Storm chase expedition 2004 in US Great Plains for 5-13 to 6-1. Storm chasing log available: CHASE 2004. |
![]() CHASE2003 |
P01, P02 | DVD, VHS |
NTSC | PG | Storm chase expedition 2003 in US Great Plains for 5-15 to 5-27. Storm chasing log available: CHASE 2003. |
![]() CHASE2002 |
P01 | DVD, VHS |
NTSC | PG | Storm chase expedition 2002 in US Great Plains for 5-13 to 5-27. Storm chasing log available: CHASE 2002. |
![]() AIRSHOW |
P01 | DVD, VHS |
NTSC | G | Fort Lauderdale air and sea ahow - Airshow highlights. Airshow web-page available: AIRSHOW. |
Choose a title to order be clicking on the ICON (picture) to the left. This will take you to a screen with a more detailed product description as well as how you can order it. To PREVIEW the title, you can click on the "P##" link, where ## is the number out of the available preview links (if available), in the "PREVIEW" column. Common MEDIA is in the form of DVD or VHS. FORMAT is the video format, such as NTSC or PAL available.. RATINGS are the standard motion picture (G, PG, PG-13, and R). Also note that some links can also appear in the description field if a full report exists related to that title.
This section is simply for any links to video productions intended for charity or disaster relief help. Some links in this section MIGHT take you to the site of the producer or another area. Please be generous and help support any of the non-profit productions shown in this section. Procedes will go directly to storm victims and disaster relief.
* See the "STORMS OF 2008" DVD which is a benefit DVD project showing the storms of 2008. The web site is NOW accepting orders as this is a LIMITED video production and is a collaboration of many chasing videos during 2008. All procedes for sales of this product go to charity and disaster relief! You can see more information on this exciting DVD project and even order a copy online by checking out the information by clicking HERE! I try to contribute much of my work each year to this great cause as well.
StormChasingVideo / BNVN
Worlds Largest Severe Weather Virtual Stock Video Archive And Severe Weather Electronic News Gathering Agency
* All of my STOCK footage is now managed and archived by my agents at StormChasingVideo / BNVN. Their official web site can be contacted by going to the link to their site at WWW.STORMCHASINGVIDEO.COM.
* If you are looking for video to license for your production, you can either contact me directly (via the email at the end of this page) and check if I may have what you need, or go through StormChasingVideo / BNVN. StormChasingVideo / BNVN provides a much easier and on-line archive of all stock video you see here in the next section. For any footage requests through StormChasingVideo / BNVN, please contact Doug Kiesling. Their phone number is (651) 238-0258, or you can go to their web site denoted by the link given above.
* The standared rate for video licensing through me is usually $50 per second with a 3-second minimum (negociable). For footage license requests, you can go through me or through StormChasingVideo / BNVN. It will be much easier through StormChasingVideo / BNVN, they most likely will have my stock footage archived in a much more thorough (and easier to locate) fashion. StormChasingVideo / BNVN may charge a different licensing rate (which may be more flexible than my flat-rate).
HTML File "offers.htm" - Developed By Chris Collura
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