Facebook Timeline Posts For March 2021
(Posts And Comments During March 2021 For Sky-Chaser Chris Collura On Facebook)
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Posts And Comments For March 2021
Posted: Mar 24, 2021, 5:50 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Adam Cooley's comment.
Yeah I'm done ... Maybe I said things that may have offended people.
Posted: Mar 24, 2021, 5:47 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura updated his status.
I am finished with this app - officially. And this antisocial networking site.
As of now I am removing all content on here and leaving. Twitter as well. I have absolutely no place on a site like this with all that is happening around the world and in this country.
I'm sorry bit I really don't have a place here now. I joined in on some conversations on here regarding the recent racial, news, and shootings and nothing good came out of it. Lost much respect in the process and even had posts banned.
Posted: Mar 24, 2021, 5:19 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Melissa Gregory's comment.
Melissa Gregory Yeah I was going to post something like that too but I am tired of being booted off facebook.
Posted: Mar 24, 2021, 5:00 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Carrie Bishop's post.

Posted: Mar 24, 2021, 4:48 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Melissa Gregory's comment.
Melissa Gregory That's right. This country is going backwards. And since I have a lot of Asian friends and know black people this really upsets me.
Posted: Mar 24, 2021, 4:47 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Aurora Police Department's post.
Anyone disrespectful towards ANY visible minority is a loser.
Posted: Mar 24, 2021, 4:46 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on David L. Saurer's post.
Posted: Mar 24, 2021, 4:17 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Chris Engstrom's comment.
Group: RadarScope Users Group
Chris Engstrom Usually it's on the side of the storm OPPOSITE to the radar site, along the axis of the radar beam.
Posted: Mar 24, 2021, 4:15 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Scott Currens's photo.
Some sort of imminent domain rights?
Posted: Mar 24, 2021, 4:13 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Erik Toth's post.
Posted: Mar 24, 2021, 4:05 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on NPR's post.
A blast from the past (March / April 2020) ey? I wonder if they have valet parking available too?
Posted: Mar 24, 2021, 4:02 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Charles Edwards's photo.

Posted: Mar 24, 2021, 3:49 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Brian Stertz's comment.
Posted: Mar 24, 2021, 3:46 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on KOCO 5 News's photo.
Great. Now let's give Thanksgiving back to everyone too.
Posted: Mar 24, 2021, 3:46 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Matt Phelps's photo.
Posted: Mar 24, 2021, 3:42 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Woods Rodney Marcus's post.
Posted: Mar 24, 2021, 3:29 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Steven Natale's comment.
Paul Armani Yup.
Posted: Mar 24, 2021, 3:28 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Steven Natale's comment.
Steven Natale It's actually not illegal. If he paid in full it's legal tender and he has his money.
It's kinda mean though on the other hand ... I get a laugh of folks paying traffic tickets with pennies. They have to take it.
But this is really nasty given that you cause heartaches ... The money has to be washed too (in this case), other than that it's a b'tch to count.
One even had police called and even the police said they have to take it as long as it is legally legit American money.
Posted: Mar 24, 2021, 3:24 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to his own comment.
David Kelly Yeah very high speed. 4000 fps is like mach 3.5. Terrifying.
Posted: Mar 24, 2021, 3:21 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to his own comment.
Posted: Mar 24, 2021, 3:18 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Woods Rodney Marcus's post.
Posted: Mar 24, 2021, 3:01 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Chris Heater's post.
Posted: Mar 24, 2021, 2:52 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to his own comment.
David Kelly Mach one is about 343 m/s (1125 fps) in a standard atmosphere at sea level.
Posted: Mar 24, 2021, 2:33 PM

Fraud = Theft with a smile......Or using an important phone number from my brother's care facility so I HAVE to answer it (spoofing) :(
Posted: Mar 24, 2021, 10:30 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Jesse C Post's post.
The "Day before the Day" never let me down as a storm chaser :)
Posted: Mar 24, 2021, 10:17 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on David Gold's photo.
Most likely today will leave more of a mark - including tornado memories and footage - than tomorrow in Dixie.
Posted: Mar 24, 2021, 10:15 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Charles Edwards's post.
AR-15s are assault rifles with a high muzzle velocity and not a "pistol".
Basically the mach 2.5 round enters leaving a 5mm hole and comes out your back (along with everything else your made of) with a water melon sized hole ;(
Posted: Mar 24, 2021, 10:13 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Erik Burns's comment.
Posted: Mar 24, 2021, 10:12 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Russ D. Contreras's post.
Posted: Mar 24, 2021, 10:11 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Tim Marshall's photo.
HAWT ... The day before the day. I'm sure it's gonna be incredible.
Tomorrow it's race chasing rain wrapped stuff moving at 70 MPH in the hills and trees of Dixie - Maybe a high risk with NO return :)
Posted: Mar 24, 2021, 10:11 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura wrote on Dagmar Kress's timeline.
Happy birthday!
Posted: Mar 24, 2021, 10:06 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Mark Blue's comment.
Mark Blue It also ruined my relationship with my father early on. I was grounded for not "punching back" - There was a gang. So I just ran away. More like common sense than being a coward.
Better to get yelled at and called a whimp by my dad (and having a class picnic canceled as a punishment) than him going to my funeral, I guess.
High school bullies are extremely dangerous and the mental / social damage they can cause is appalling. Curses and angry Indian spirits can also stuck it too.
Posted: Mar 23, 2021, 5:48 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Maureen Loffredo's post.
Isn't he impeached? He can't ever become president again :(((
Posted: Mar 23, 2021, 5:25 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Michael Phelps's post.
Posted: Mar 23, 2021, 5:04 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Michael Phelps's photo.
It's the "condom effect"!
Masks SAVE lives!
Posted: Mar 23, 2021, 5:00 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Jim Williams's comment.
Jim Williams Its scary. Even back in 1982 as a kid I was dragged by 6 people onto a frozen lake and thrown into a hole in the ice. All because I "made the deans list" at my school. And my wonderful dad punished me because I did not fight back and ran away.
I wound up making friends with ONE of those jerks in the gang of 6, with them never bothering me again - And that probably saved my life (although he is in jail now).
Posted: Mar 23, 2021, 4:57 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Jim Williams's comment.
Jim Williams Haha ... Gotta use hail guards :)
Posted: Mar 23, 2021, 4:50 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Lanny Dean's post.
Posted: Mar 23, 2021, 4:49 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Regeneron's post.
2% meet their maker ;(
Posted: Mar 23, 2021, 4:48 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Jim Williams's comment.
Jim Williams Nutjobs everywhere :/
Posted: Mar 23, 2021, 4:46 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura updated his status.
Composed this back in 1999 / 2000 but still quite real ;) ... And a good read 8f you're bored!
A core that punched back... This FICTUAL story is what may happen to a storm chaser who punches the core of a supercell thunderstorm in the Midwest US. Mike has been chasing storms in Florida for several years and went on a trip to the Great Plains to join some other chasers at the end of last May. During several chases he observed some severe storms but from a distance until a supercell storm came up on the 26th near Throckmorton, Texas. He was in his own Chevy Blazer which he drove from Florida and was in a caravan of several other chase teams converging on the storm. Out of curiosity, and bored of the updraft base view, he turned around and drove towards the dark, green, lightning-shot sky to the north.
He continued into the precipitation shaft despite other chasers screaming at him on the CB for him to come back. Soon sideways rain and pea sized hail slammed into Mike's Blazer, rocking it. A blinding CG flash hit just feet in front of him and startled him into turning around and going back out of the storm core. As visibility was zero, he cautiously crept along the road as dime and quarter sized hail began falling and covering the ground. He stopped, figuring he would wait it out. As 70 to 80 MPH winds and hail rocked the truck, he pointed the front of it in order to face the wind. The storm core continued to get worse, golfball sized hail was bouncing everywhere as lightning flashed all around with crashes immediately following each flash.
The sky was greenish and soon became lighter so Mike continued to cautiously drive south again. The hail became loud and continued to grow larger. Soon Mike heard two deafening crashes on top of his truck and again stopped. Then a third crash right on the center of his hood, a huge baseball sized chunk of hail that exploded into millions of white fragments leaving a big dent behind. Another hail stone, this one grapefruit sized, landed on the top of his truck with a deafening crash. Mike looks up to see the headliner buckle down during the impact. Suddenly a large crash splinters the rear window and cold air rushes through his Blazer. A shower of safety glass covers his camera bags in the rear of his truck mixed with pieces of crushed ice.
Two more "grapefruits" score a direct hit on Mike's windshield and smash it. The laminated glass is penetrated by one of the stones and wet pieces of glass splinters and ice fall into Mike's lap. Now Mike is panicking and can't even see out the shattered front window, still held in place by the lamination and tinting. He rolls down his drivers side window to try to look forward as he tries to drive south. A baseball sized hail stone shatters right on the top of his door and Mike gets a โrefreshingโ blast of ice in his face. Another hail stone shatters another rear side window and safety glass falls onto his duffle bag and cooler. Everything in the truck is SOAKED and the wind is blowing through the destroyed windows. Mike grabs his road map to support the deteriorating hole in his windshield.
The map gets soaked and becomes a messy ball of paste. Finally, Mike makes some headway to the south and gets out of the hail shaft. He passes right under a rotating wall cloud and drives east only to see a brief dust cloud as a tornado touched down behind him. As dust is kicked up on the south side of the storm, it flies all through Mike's truck staining any light colored object including his leather seats dark brown. Glass splinters still fall from the shattered windshield as Mike now holds a book to keep it from getting worse. He squints through any visible areas of the wind shield and looks out his driver side window just to keep driving east.
Finally he catches up with the rest of the chase group who is both awing and laughing at Mike's Blazer, or what's left of it. "Mike, you idiot, I told you how dangerous these storms are in the Midwest!" His only reaction was "I didn't realize it will get that bad!" Well, bad it was because Mike had to cut his trip early because of the damage to his Chevy Blazer. He called his insurance only to find out that they could not replace the windshield for "acts of God" in another state. The next day he got a new one in Dallas after a long drive. Since the hood and top of the truck was so badly dented, the glass repairman said the windshield, which costed over $250, will leak. Mike returned to Florida with a nearly totaled 1999 Chevy Blazer.
His insurance picked up the damage and his truck spend nearly two weeks in a body shop. Mike had to rent a car for $50 a day, cough up a $750 insurance deductible, plus replace about $2500 worth of video and camera equipment that was ruined. Precious footage, tapes, and film was also lost. His leather seats, stained from the red Texas soil, also had to be re-upholstered. The storm chase team also did not want Mike to chase with them anymore for disobeying their orders and putting part of their team in danger. The real sad thing about this whole ordeal is that not only did Mike make a complete FOOL of himself, but paid a STIFF price from punching such a dangerous storm.
Mikeโs insurance premiums also went up after this ordeal. It could have been much worse, what if he came out of the core and into an E-F5 wedge tornado? What if the storm was in a populated area where flying roof debris and traffic accidents would occur? Think about this story when considering a core punch to get into a better position ... A lesson WELL learned!
Posted: Mar 23, 2021, 4:05 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Chad Lawson's post.
Posted: Mar 23, 2021, 4:04 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Really American's post.
Financially ruined is better ... Prison time, like the Boulder Colorado shooter, costs us tax money anyways :(
Posted: Mar 23, 2021, 4:01 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Jason Foster's post.
Posted: Mar 23, 2021, 2:11 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Robin Tanamachi's comment.
Posted: Mar 23, 2021, 11:53 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to his own comment.
Posted: Mar 23, 2021, 10:48 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to his own comment.
Posted: Mar 23, 2021, 10:46 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Jacqueline Bodeep's comment.
Jacqueline Bodeep He probably paid someone for a Covid-19 tesr and sleazed his way in who knows ... Doubt they even check for that.
I went in and out of Chicago last month (with Covid-19 rapid test document IN HAND saying I'm neg) and no one checked anything.
Posted: Mar 23, 2021, 10:43 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Charles Peek's photo.
Cute little bluegill.
Posted: Mar 23, 2021, 10:41 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Gage Shaw's post.
Posted: Mar 23, 2021, 10:40 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Jeff Bohnenblust's post.
Posted: Mar 23, 2021, 8:58 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Michael Phelps's post.
Posted: Mar 23, 2021, 8:56 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura wrote on Chris Gullikson's timeline.
Happy birthday
Posted: Mar 23, 2021, 8:51 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Chris Heater's post.
Posted: Mar 23, 2021, 8:44 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Michael Phelps's post.
Or it can be like the last one and a crap shoot in the trees (hopefully for the people there).
Posted: Mar 23, 2021, 8:44 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to James Jay's comment.
James Jay Probably high by Thursday morning.
Posted: Mar 23, 2021, 8:30 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Carrie Bishop's comment.
Carrie Bishop That and missing them too stinks.
Posted: Mar 23, 2021, 8:29 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Robin Tanamachi's post.
Posted: Mar 23, 2021, 8:27 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Michael Phelps's post.
Posted: Mar 23, 2021, 8:19 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to his own comment.
Mona Lowenthal Krimsky Yeah I know. I'm sure it got flooded once it opened up. I'll check it once I'm down there Apr 10 to 17. It's great seeing many get their shot because it's better for those who haven got it yet with the spread decreasing finally.
Posted: Mar 23, 2021, 8:14 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura is feeling heartbroken.
Nothing like a mass shooting and a grim blast from our countries recent past to ruin our days, ey?
Seeing this on the news last night made me so disgusted, I actually slammed something and broke it in anger. I guess as Covid-19 winds down this starts back up again - Like every week or so. "Bang bang!" On my news feeds?
If humans keep this up there probably will be another pandemic soon, and this time it won't be a virus with a 98.5% survival rate :(
Posted: Mar 23, 2021, 8:01 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Rob Jones's comment.
Rob Jones Well it's over land, so like a 74 mph hurricane (sustained 74 mph over water at 10m) you're lucky to get a 74 mph gusts, albeit briefly.
Maybe about 100 feet up winds were sustained at 80 mph just above Guadeloupe pass and 74 mph briefly made it down to the surface.
Just sayin'
Posted: Mar 23, 2021, 7:59 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Karla Dorman's comment.
Posted: Mar 23, 2021, 7:56 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on David L. Saurer's post.
Posted: Mar 23, 2021, 7:38 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Adam Cooley's post.
Posted: Mar 22, 2021, 6:29 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Dustin Jesseph's comment.
Gas goin' UP too :)
Posted: Mar 22, 2021, 6:28 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Mona Lowenthal Krimsky's photo.
Posted: Mar 22, 2021, 5:57 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Dalton Do's post.
Lonely and NO AIR :)
Posted: Mar 22, 2021, 5:56 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to his own comment.
Mark Aubin Ah, yeah the J&J shot is the one I want. Thanks!
Posted: Mar 22, 2021, 5:52 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Mark Aubin's post.
Quote from Publix site: "All available COVID-19 vaccine appointments have been claimed. There is more demand for the vaccine than available supply, and we understand that's frustrating."
Quote from ME: "Yes it's 'frustrating' - Should have woke up 30 seconds earlier."
Posted: Mar 22, 2021, 5:30 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Dagmar Kress's photo.
Really? Blonde?
Wow ... Very nice!
Posted: Mar 22, 2021, 3:35 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Meteorologist Derek Sibley's video.

Posted: Mar 21, 2021, 8:08 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Dalton Do's comment.
Dalton Do Not at this time just did a post and write up on that lake I grew up near. Maybe head up there around summer.
Posted: Mar 21, 2021, 7:43 PM

Oh Lake Ronkonkoma. A good neighbor and friend of mine posted a peaceful picture of the lake (it's in central Long Island, SE New York in Islip / Suffolk County where I grew up).Legend has it that there is "The lady of the lake" and a Native American curse attached to it ... Where once a year a man (usually young or in his teens) would drown in that lake each year. It nearly claimed my life in the early 80s with a run in with some school bullies over the winter.I didn't drown but was tossed into a hole in the thin ice and beat up. After that, family problems ensued - Especially with my stern dad at the time. Yet others not so lucky contined to drown or die there - The summer following that winter where I was pushed into the ice hole, someone was murdered after a lovers quarrel. And you guessed it, it was a young man.We used to swim there all the time. Never knowing what danger lurked beneath the dark green waters. On a hot summer day, my friends and I would swim down deep, and just 6 feet down or so it would be bone chilling cold, enough to take your breath away.Some thought the lake was bottomless (ofcourse it's not!), and connected to the Long Island Sound, explaining strange rises and falls in the lake level unrelated to rainfall. Sometimes people who drowned were never found. Scary....You decide if this chilling Algonquin legend is really true. I certainly ain't going near there!See: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Ronkonkoma_(lake)Place: Lake Ronkonkoma, New York (40.8297, -73.113) Address: Lake Ronkonkoma, NY 11779
Posted: Mar 21, 2021, 5:54 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to his own comment.
Posted: Mar 21, 2021, 5:42 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Michael Phelps's post.
What is so racial saying "Dixie"?
Oh I forgot it's 2021 and everything you say now is an insult :(
Posted: Mar 21, 2021, 5:42 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Arcimoto's video.
Golf cart ... One that costs as much as a car :/
Posted: Mar 21, 2021, 5:29 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Chad Lawson's post.
Posted: Mar 21, 2021, 5:18 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to his own comment.
Maureen Loffredo I used to swim in there all the time. Then some really bad kids from Peconic JR high dragged me out there in Feb 1982 and tried to throw me through a hole in the ice...
...Legend says it that at least one teenager or young adult will die in that lake each year due to some Algonquin curse.
Me I crawled out and ran away - only to be grounded and punished by my dad for a long time (for not fighting back).
Posted: Mar 21, 2021, 5:13 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Chad Lawson's post.
Posted: Mar 21, 2021, 5:12 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Chad Lawson's post.
Posted: Mar 21, 2021, 4:40 PM

Posted: Mar 21, 2021, 4:36 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Maureen Loffredo's post.
Posted: Mar 21, 2021, 4:34 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Maureen Loffredo's post.
The problems in both my career and my abusive relationship at the time FORCED me to never EVER forget...
...Also taught me to save money and not live paycheck to paycheck. That paid off royally last year with Covid-19 and being laid off and denied unemployment. Sh't happens.
Posted: Mar 21, 2021, 4:32 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Bobby Eddins's post.
So sorry for your loss. The hole in my heart after losing my mom in late 2013 is still there. Players ๐๐๐
Posted: Mar 21, 2021, 11:33 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Maureen Loffredo's photo.
Lake Ronkonkoma?
Posted: Mar 21, 2021, 8:26 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Rad VCR's post.
I converted anything I had of sentimental value from VHS to an MPG (720x480) of each tape. No more rewinding nor lengthy searches / tapes eaten.
Posted: Mar 20, 2021, 10:31 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on CE Pro's post.

Posted: Mar 20, 2021, 9:08 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Steve Johnson's comment.
Steve Johnson You tell 'em Steve!
Posted: Mar 20, 2021, 7:10 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Jerry Prsha's post.
Posted: Mar 20, 2021, 12:20 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Chris Heater's photo.
Big soup a sell :)
Posted: Mar 20, 2021, 11:51 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Pam Phipps Cudmore's comment.
Posted: Mar 20, 2021, 11:50 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Lanny Dean's post.
Posted: Mar 20, 2021, 11:31 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Philip Flory's comment.

Posted: Mar 20, 2021, 11:28 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Philip Flory's comment.
Philip Flory Good products but not for tech geeks like us. Planned obsolescence too. Stinks when you need a special cable to copy a file from an iPhone to your PC. While my Android s20 you can use any USB C cable, even one from the dollar store.
Final nail in my Apple coffin was when a skydive group did a jump and we all tried to share video and no one had a cable for his iPhone that had the footage. He just said I'll put it on Dropbox and we never heard from him again. Despite reminding him for weeks. Ghosted us. Had he had an Android device anyone could have grabbed any cable and got those files right then and now :(
Posted: Mar 20, 2021, 11:25 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Mark Aubin's comment.
Mark Aubin Maybe their page was not updated. If that's the case I'll try to get mine when I'm down there during the week of April 10-17. Hopefully the single Johnson and Johnson one. Don't wanna run back May 15 and miss the best setup for storms of 2021, as far as Murphy goes.
Posted: Mar 20, 2021, 11:15 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Billy Wade's photo.
Once Covid-19 is gone I can just park, walk in, get food (and check it to make sure the order is right), and leave looking back at the line of 15 cars for the drive thru.
Posted: Mar 20, 2021, 11:13 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Maureen Loffredo's post.
Very Italian there :)
Posted: Mar 20, 2021, 11:11 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Brad Hannon's post.

Posted: Mar 20, 2021, 11:10 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Reference.com's post.
Too many questions and ads.
Posted: Mar 20, 2021, 11:08 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Mark Aubin's comment.
Mark Aubin I checked and it's 60+ for everyone and 50+ for teachers, fire fighters, etc.
I'm still too young and healthy to qualify.
Posted: Mar 20, 2021, 11:07 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Ryan Liberty Megan's comment.
Posted: Mar 20, 2021, 11:06 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Philip Flory's comment.
Philip Flory I don't like Apple products.
Posted: Mar 20, 2021, 10:43 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Jerry Prsha's post.
Posted: Mar 20, 2021, 10:37 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Dave Lewison's post.
Posted: Mar 20, 2021, 10:23 AM

Fraud: Theft with a smile :)
Posted: Mar 19, 2021, 7:37 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Lockheed Martin's video.
Moon or bust :)
Posted: Mar 19, 2021, 7:35 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Dalton Do's post.
This DB murdered people. And the sad thing is they were Asian and this could of happened with any race.
Now the circus starts. With the Asian vs White and vice versa. Like in the summer with the BLM and black and white.
Doesn't matter on the race but DONT KILL people ... And if he killed in spite of them being Asian then its 1,000 times as bad because now he started a whole cascade of bias and finger pointing due to the over sensitive nature this country is in now.
No one needs ANY HATE like this right now.
Posted: Mar 19, 2021, 7:30 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Buck Hood's comment.
Posted: Mar 19, 2021, 7:26 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to his own comment.
George Kourounis Yup.
Posted: Mar 19, 2021, 7:25 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Evan Hatch's post.
Well said!
In 2007 and 2013 I lost people in my life close to me and learned to "just go" regardless (as opportunity arises).
Posted: Mar 19, 2021, 7:24 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Adam Lucio's comment.
Adam Lucio Or words to DO NOW because in this day and age there may be no more opportunities "next year" nor a "next time". 2007 taught me that the hard way.
Posted: Mar 19, 2021, 7:22 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on William T. Reid's post.
Posted: Mar 19, 2021, 4:38 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Doug Crisp's post.
Nope. Grown men cry more than women these days.
Posted: Mar 19, 2021, 4:29 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on George Kourounis's photo.
Sucks when no one can go there (George Kourounis), ey? 2020 rearing ugly head :/
Posted: Mar 19, 2021, 4:18 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Chad Lawson's post.
Posted: Mar 19, 2021, 4:17 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on ConocoPhillips's post.
2020 can shove it.
Posted: Mar 19, 2021, 1:36 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Billy Wade's photo.

Posted: Mar 19, 2021, 1:33 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Patty Hodges's comment.
Posted: Mar 19, 2021, 8:51 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to David Draun's comment.
Posted: Mar 19, 2021, 8:09 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on David L. Saurer's post.
Posted: Mar 19, 2021, 8:06 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Dalton Do's photo.
Posted: Mar 19, 2021, 7:49 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Adam Lucio's post.
Posted: Mar 19, 2021, 7:47 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Dalton Do's photo.
Yeah seeing this behavior in our country is disgusting. First the "mini revolt" last summer between blacks and whites, and now this.
Posted: Mar 19, 2021, 7:44 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Dave Lewison's post.
Posted: Mar 18, 2021, 4:58 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to David Draun's comment.
Posted: Mar 18, 2021, 10:58 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to his own comment.
George Kourounis Yeah that was from a flight in 2006 from FL to CA.
Posted: Mar 18, 2021, 10:57 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura wrote on Yao Xie's timeline.
happy birthday
Posted: Mar 18, 2021, 10:57 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura wrote on Anthony Nguyen's timeline.
Happy birthday
Posted: Mar 18, 2021, 8:46 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on David Gold's photo.
Aaaaannnndd ... Hopefully not all the best chase setups magically STOP when May comes.
Posted: Mar 18, 2021, 7:31 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Adam Cooley's comment.
Adam Cooley Yup. This is bad because I have a lot of friends who are Asian and some of them look at me strangely now because "I'm white". America still isn't all that great - And it's more stupidity and disrespect people have, more than the government.
Posted: Mar 18, 2021, 7:28 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on George Kourounis's photo.

Posted: Mar 17, 2021, 5:41 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on David L. Saurer's post.
Posted: Mar 17, 2021, 4:58 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Adam Cooley's post.
Posted: Mar 17, 2021, 4:56 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to his own comment.
Posted: Mar 17, 2021, 4:23 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on David Gold's post.
One of the best shots of the day!
Posted: Mar 17, 2021, 4:20 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Dave Lewison's post.
Posted: Mar 17, 2021, 1:46 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Nathan Lujan's comment.
Group: RadarScope Users Group
Jen Trapp Good to hear.
Posted: Mar 17, 2021, 1:15 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on his own photo.
Tornadic couplet just passed over I-20 brushing Cottondale. Next stop is from Brookwood to NW of Bessemer and then the western parts of Birmingham if this holds together.
Posted: Mar 17, 2021, 12:56 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Nathan Lujan's comment.
Group: RadarScope Users Group
Jen Trapp She needs to be seeking shelter NOW
Posted: Mar 17, 2021, 12:46 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Nathan Lujan's comment.
Group: RadarScope Users Group
Nathan Lujan For Tuscaloosa but there are towns east of there just about to get hit (Cottondale) :(
Posted: Mar 17, 2021, 12:43 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Alec Hudak's post.
Group: RadarScope Users Group
From the east side of Tuscaloosa through Cottondale to Coaling needs to be taking tornado emergency procedures now!
Posted: Mar 17, 2021, 12:42 PM

Not good! Anyone on the eastern side of Tuscaloosa - Especially Cottondale area ... A tornado is approaching! Please stay safe!
Posted: Mar 17, 2021, 12:26 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Charles Edwards's video.
Posted: Mar 17, 2021, 11:44 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Doug Crisp's photo.
Brett Adair is in the hook on it.
Posted: Mar 17, 2021, 11:32 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Anne DeMaria's comment.
Posted: Mar 17, 2021, 10:14 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Anne DeMaria's comment.
Posted: Mar 17, 2021, 10:13 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Margie Kieper's post.
Posted: Mar 17, 2021, 7:16 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Betty Southard's post.
Group: RadarScope Users Group
It's a hatched area for SPC significant severe threat on their outlook.
Posted: Mar 17, 2021, 7:15 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on George Kourounis's photo.
Typical Dixie setup. Not good chase areas. Stay safe for those chasing it.
Posted: Mar 16, 2021, 4:52 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to his own comment.
Posted: Mar 16, 2021, 4:51 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Dave Lewison's post.
Posted: Mar 16, 2021, 12:18 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Bill Hark's post.
Posted: Mar 16, 2021, 12:02 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Dave Lewison's post.
Posted: Mar 16, 2021, 12:01 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to his own comment.
Posted: Mar 16, 2021, 12:00 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Tim Marshall's photo.
I really hope that 2021 isn't gonna be like 2007 nor 2009 where practically EVERYTHING was in March.
The MDT (or even HIGH) risk tomorrow is more typical of a March Dixie setup.
Posted: Mar 16, 2021, 11:32 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Jason Foster's photo.
This whole thing over the past year absolutely sucked, killing dreams left and right.
And unemployment in Florida - Don't even get me into that. They managed to sleaze their way out of paying many people (and why in God's world isn't there some mass lawsuit / class action with that? I thought there would be).
Luckily I eventually got it but not until July after losing job (because of Covid-19 in early March)! It angers me so bad seeing people screwed so bad and I cringe thinking I was one of the luckier ones - Many folks in my dads neighborhood lost homes and evicted after not being able to pay rent.
Plus so many irresponsible folks not taking Covid-19 seriously, especially earlier in the pandemic (Beach jammed, no parking / valet, long lines in restaurants - All while I self quarantined for weeks) to my horror and disgust. That caused massive spread and many innocent lives (not just life styles) destroyed.
As for you I'm crossing my fingers things get better and this inflation won't be crazy (I'm worried about gas prices and chose a remote job now so I eliminate commutes and all that BS).
You're a good guy and it breaks my heart you got hurt by this along with so many others :/
Posted: Mar 15, 2021, 7:30 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Erik Toth's post.
Posted: Mar 15, 2021, 7:26 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on David L. Saurer's post.
Posted: Mar 15, 2021, 7:17 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Chad Lawson's post.
Posted: Mar 15, 2021, 7:15 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Tim Marshall's comment.
Tim Marshall Dremel.
Posted: Mar 15, 2021, 7:13 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Chad Lawson's post.
Posted: Mar 15, 2021, 7:04 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on David L. Saurer's post.
Posted: Mar 15, 2021, 7:00 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to his own comment.
Posted: Mar 15, 2021, 6:57 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura wrote on Daniel Suh's timeline.
happy birthday
Posted: Mar 15, 2021, 6:55 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Colt Forney's photo.
It was the usual MESSY convection where a tornado was like finding a needle in a haystack.
Posted: Mar 15, 2021, 6:54 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Lori Ferguson's post.
Posted: Mar 15, 2021, 7:54 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Mark Aubin's comment.
Mark Aubin I canceled it and only Adobe loaded.
Posted: Mar 15, 2021, 7:51 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Dave Lewison's post.
Posted: Mar 14, 2021, 6:08 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Really American's post.
He deserves it. Follow the rules, dumb'ss.
Posted: Mar 14, 2021, 5:46 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Dave Lewison's comment.
Dave Lewison It's called a download "caddy" and installs the program of interest and many others in addition to it.
Normally you click on custom and disable these extra ones. But in this case, you clicked cancel and only the PDF reader was installed. Tricky but weird.
Posted: Mar 14, 2021, 5:24 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Stephen Hodanish's post.
Posted: Mar 14, 2021, 5:23 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Thad Bowling's photo.
Who looks at this? Lol
Posted: Mar 14, 2021, 4:41 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Zach Walters WX's video.
Very fast moving. Wiw
Posted: Mar 14, 2021, 4:40 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Stephen Hodanish's post.
Posted: Mar 14, 2021, 4:36 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Hillary Reese's video.
Nice. But I think it's an auto gyro and not a helicopter.
Posted: Mar 14, 2021, 4:34 PM

I asked for "Acrobat Reader" ... The installer said "Acrobat Reader" too :)BUT I never asked for McAfee (bloat ware memory hog) security. So please don't TRICK ME into installing it ;/
Posted: Mar 14, 2021, 4:28 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Chad Lawson's post.
Posted: Mar 14, 2021, 9:53 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Matt Crowther's comment.
Group: RadarScope Users Group
Matt Crowther Yeah, the super res version isn't working but regular base reflectivity is.
Posted: Mar 14, 2021, 9:19 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Nathan Gates's comment.

Posted: Mar 14, 2021, 9:13 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on John Thomas Moon III's photo.
Dreary foggy morning early on a BIG chase day beneath a screaming low level jet :)
Just heat it up a bit
Posted: Mar 14, 2021, 9:10 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura wrote on Adam Cooley's timeline.
Happy birthday!
Posted: Mar 14, 2021, 9:10 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura wrote on Gage Shaw's timeline.
Happy birthday!
Posted: Mar 14, 2021, 9:07 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Traveler Door's post.
Water displacement version 40 (for coating Redstone rockets / repel frost from cold cryogenic fuels). They tried 40 versions of it until the formula we know today! Not just a great lubricant and solvent.
Posted: Mar 14, 2021, 9:03 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Daniel Parker's post.
Group: RadarScope Users Group
It's down this week for maintenance. Some modes work, such as regular base reflectivity (non super res).
Posted: Mar 14, 2021, 8:58 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Roger Edwards's post.
Posted: Mar 14, 2021, 8:54 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Carrie Halliday's comment.
Carrie Halliday The entire country needs to do this, not just a state. That will only cause mass confusion.
Posted: Mar 14, 2021, 8:53 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Tim Marshall's photo.
Just keep daylight time and leave it at that. This is a tradition from farmers long ago anyways.
Posted: Mar 13, 2021, 7:32 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on a post.
Posted: Mar 13, 2021, 7:17 PM
Posted: Mar 13, 2021, 7:14 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura is feeling optimistic.
I was not storm chasing on this setup. Was kinda tricky to get out there since rental cars were scarce. Plus very early yet. Strange to see absolutely no cars available despite flights being dirt cheap.
Anyway - Great job for those who tacked the challenging storm environment and captured some great shots - Such as from Tony Laubach. Hopefully this active pattern will be frequent this year!
Posted: Mar 13, 2021, 6:37 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Russ D. Contreras's post.
Posted: Mar 13, 2021, 6:34 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Robin Tanamachi's post.
Posted: Mar 13, 2021, 5:48 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Chris Heater's comment.
Chris Heater More like "no pic, no chat" haha...
Posted: Mar 13, 2021, 4:36 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Brandon VanDalsem's video.
Drill bit or Dremel? Haha!
Posted: Mar 13, 2021, 3:31 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Randy Dean Hicks's post.

Posted: Mar 13, 2021, 3:26 PM

This is a crazy couplet. Either broad intense rotation or a violent 5 mile wide wedge?Hopefully it will miss the traffic jam!
Posted: Mar 13, 2021, 3:06 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to his own comment.
Adam Cooley Amazing. Looks like just before rain wrap at least Tony Laubach is a professional and is safe. Great shot!
Posted: Mar 13, 2021, 3:01 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Margie Kieper's post.
Posted: Mar 13, 2021, 2:53 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to his own comment.
Carrie Bishop I'm sure some cowboys will just get inside it and get pictures. Storms were highly visible earlier, even two concurrent wedges near Happy.
Posted: Mar 13, 2021, 2:48 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Carrie Bishop's photo.
Many are on it but this is an HP storm and it's probably rain wrapped.
Posted: Mar 13, 2021, 2:21 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Brian Gustafson's post.
Group: RadarScope Users Group
Posted: Mar 13, 2021, 2:00 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Brian Stertz's post.
Posted: Mar 13, 2021, 1:59 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Margie Kieper's post.
Posted: Mar 13, 2021, 1:49 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Charles Edwards's photo.
People in Happy probably NOT happy.
Posted: Mar 13, 2021, 7:19 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on John Thomas Moon III's post.
Yeah fast storm motions but looks good. Strange seeing a setup like this in mid march.
Hopefully this activity will continue through May and not be "JUST March" :)
Posted: Mar 13, 2021, 6:58 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Bobby Eddins's photo.
Looks like long track tornadoes if that verifies. Unlike yesterday, storm motions will be fast.
Posted: Mar 13, 2021, 6:57 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Christopher Howell's comment.
Posted: Mar 12, 2021, 7:51 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Colt Forney's post.
Posted: Mar 12, 2021, 4:32 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Jerry Prsha's post.
Posted: Mar 12, 2021, 4:22 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Tim Marshall's photo.
Nice! Attention rapidly shifting to new cell (choking off inflow to Petersburg storm) N of Crosbyton.
Posted: Mar 12, 2021, 3:08 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Anthony Nguyen's post.
Posted: Mar 12, 2021, 9:41 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to his own comment.
Dave Lewison Last year hotels were almost empty. Not sure about this year. I avoided restaurants, food in cooler used and take out once in a while. Yeah, I agree, sucks.
Posted: Mar 12, 2021, 9:39 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to his own comment.
Posted: Mar 12, 2021, 9:38 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to his own comment.
Dave Lewison I don't see any issues chasing this year, esp by May. Not the dark tunnel without any light we all were in a year back. A mask shouldn't stop you from chasing as long as you avoid crowds (just you and the sky most of the time and elbow bump any other chasers instead of hugging / shaking hands during any convergence) :)
Posted: Mar 12, 2021, 9:36 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to his own comment.

Posted: Mar 12, 2021, 9:34 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Dave Lewison's post.
Posted: Mar 12, 2021, 9:33 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Tim Marshall's photo.
Have fun. If I was chasing today looks like the day NW of Seymour and 287.
Posted: Mar 12, 2021, 7:32 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Jim Williams's comment.
Jim Williams Working out there.
Posted: Mar 12, 2021, 7:31 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Derek Sibley's photo.
In 2022 I get mine if I'm lucky. At least that's what I was told, crock o' sh't if you ask me.
Posted: Mar 12, 2021, 7:29 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Carrie Bishop's post.
Yes! Yes! I was at Canada's wonderland few years ago.
Posted: Mar 11, 2021, 6:34 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Adrian Ramillano's comment.
Posted: Mar 11, 2021, 6:33 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on William T. Reid's post.
Posted: Mar 11, 2021, 6:32 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to his own comment.
Group: Skydive Perris Experienced Jumpers
Cody Marsh hope so!
Posted: Mar 11, 2021, 6:31 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Cody Marsh's post.
Group: Skydive Perris Experienced Jumpers
The plane that was supposed "to fly jumpers soon by the end of next month" = For the past 10 years :(
Posted: Mar 11, 2021, 6:28 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Jason Foster's post.
Aren't these events canceled? Or they're still having them / after pandemic winds down?
Posted: Mar 11, 2021, 6:26 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to his own comment.
Tim Marshall I guess. Maybe since Texas lifted the mask policies. Just not liking that - During spring break in the past there always were cars, just expensive and gouged.
Posted: Mar 11, 2021, 6:24 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to his own comment.
Posted: Mar 11, 2021, 2:59 PM

Strange seeing this looming over the 405 in Southern California :)Place: Long Beach, California (33.7692, -118.1938) Address: Long Beach, CA 90801โ90810, 90813โ90815, 90822, 90831โ90835, 90840, 90842, 90844, 90846โ90848, 90853, 90895, 90899
Posted: Mar 11, 2021, 2:49 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Doug Crisp's post.
Laid ;)
Posted: Mar 11, 2021, 9:25 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to his own comment.
Posted: Mar 11, 2021, 7:48 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Margie Kieper's post.
Posted: Mar 11, 2021, 7:42 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Tim Marshall's photo.

Posted: Mar 10, 2021, 5:37 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to his own comment.
John Beven I remember the video and how it just suddenly appeared out of the murk SW of Guthrie.
Posted: Mar 10, 2021, 4:24 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Ripley's Believe It or Not!'s post.

Posted: Mar 10, 2021, 4:22 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Chris Heater's post.
Posted: Mar 10, 2021, 4:19 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Anthony Quintano's post.

Posted: Mar 10, 2021, 3:41 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on George Kourounis's post.
You basically rushed there right after (the last) ChaserCon. Stinks how horribly down hill everything went from March 2020 on-ward. I hope you get to at least chase in the USA this year.
Posted: Mar 10, 2021, 3:37 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Bobby Eddins's photo.
Friday is the famous day before the day. Tornadoes on Fri eve, then squall line junk on Sat.
Posted: Mar 10, 2021, 2:43 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Bill Hark's photo.

Posted: Mar 10, 2021, 7:34 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Eric Duncan's post.
Posted: Mar 10, 2021, 7:08 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to his own comment.
Posted: Mar 10, 2021, 7:04 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on William T. Reid's post.
Posted: Mar 9, 2021, 5:14 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on David Draun's post.
Posted: Mar 9, 2021, 5:13 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Brent Nobbley's comment.
Posted: Mar 9, 2021, 10:14 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Maureen Loffredo's post.
Looks like blowing rocks preserve near Stuart FL?
Posted: Mar 9, 2021, 10:12 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Mark Blue's comment.
Mark Blue Actually was trying to access external hard drive. Ejected and plugged back in ... Problem solved.
Posted: Mar 9, 2021, 8:09 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Adam Cooley's post.
Posted: Mar 9, 2021, 8:06 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Cheryl Schumacher Chang's comment.
Cheryl Schumacher Chang You got that right!
Posted: Mar 9, 2021, 8:06 AM

Posted: Mar 8, 2021, 5:12 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on William T. Reid's post.
Posted: Mar 8, 2021, 5:11 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Caryn Hill's post.
Posted: Mar 8, 2021, 5:07 PM

Remember... no matter how you see it. Facebook will always be MEANT as a SOCIAL app......Sociopath (or a "Shane Gray") app maybe?
Posted: Mar 8, 2021, 5:05 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to his own comment.
David McEver Flashback to May 2020? No thx.
Posted: Mar 8, 2021, 3:18 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on David Gold's photo.
Probably more of a snow event than hi-end severe WX
Posted: Mar 7, 2021, 8:45 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Erik Toth's post.
Posted: Mar 7, 2021, 8:38 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Justin Loffredo's post.
Posted: Mar 7, 2021, 8:35 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to his own comment.

Posted: Mar 7, 2021, 2:17 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to his own comment.
Mark Aubin I believe. Been careful since the pandemic started but others not - Ruining it for all of us. Seeing "everyone and his f'cking mother" jamming that IHOP / Dennys was another kick in the teeth. Ofcourse I'm not stupid enough to join them. Not worth and "special" nor event.
Posted: Mar 7, 2021, 2:10 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to his own comment.

Posted: Mar 7, 2021, 2:02 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to his own comment.
Shane Gray That's what I've been doing. Now if most others around me put theirs on and stop looking at me funny since I'm wearing a mask then I'll feel even better.
Posted: Mar 7, 2021, 1:59 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Doug Crisp's post.
There's a little pizza joint in Wheaton, IL (sw Chicago suburbs) that has a wood fired 1000 degree pizza oven. It's called Bricks. Amazing pizza and sandwiches. And you NEVER wait more than 5 minutes to get the pizza from scratch!
Posted: Mar 7, 2021, 1:53 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Greg Ansel's post.
Rare that the "mirror" effect from the refraction caused by a temperature inversion is such that the sky reflected completely makes the "true" horizon barely discernable. What amazing optics at play there!
Posted: Mar 6, 2021, 8:20 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Doug Crisp's post.
Posted: Mar 6, 2021, 9:15 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on KY3's post.
Good, tell that to TEXAS
Posted: Mar 6, 2021, 7:30 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Thad Bowling's post.
You could go one YouTube and enjoy a video uninterrupted and only included the point of the video - Not forced to watch all the drama and blabbing up until the 5 second event in a 30+ minute video with J Beiber music and an ad every 2 minutes!
And non skippable ads too.
Posted: Mar 6, 2021, 7:25 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on City of Tampa's photo.
Leaves / grass in the street can also cause a motorcycle to lose control.
Posted: Mar 6, 2021, 7:24 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Chad Lawson's post.
Posted: Mar 5, 2021, 5:58 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Lola Sparks's video.
Looks like HVDC lines. Crazy skills to these workers.
Posted: Mar 5, 2021, 5:54 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Chris Novy's comment.
Chris Novy Haha!!! Maybe MORE skydiving. Things much better now.
A year ago even skydiving was shut down for months due to Covid-19.
Posted: Mar 5, 2021, 5:52 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Northwestern Medicine's post.
Amazing story. God bless everyone who saves lives like this.
Posted: Mar 5, 2021, 5:41 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on John Thomas Moon III's photo.

Posted: Mar 5, 2021, 5:24 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Jerry Prsha's post.
Posted: Mar 5, 2021, 5:23 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Chad Lawson's post.
Posted: Mar 5, 2021, 5:22 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Chad Lawson's post.
Posted: Mar 5, 2021, 5:14 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Chad Lawson's post.
Posted: Mar 5, 2021, 4:59 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to his own comment.
Brianna San Miguel Very funny ;)
Posted: Mar 5, 2021, 4:56 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Chad Lawson's post.
Posted: Mar 5, 2021, 4:51 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Chad Lawson's post.
Posted: Mar 5, 2021, 4:44 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Jerry Prsha's post.
Posted: Mar 5, 2021, 4:26 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Chad Lawson's post.
Posted: Mar 5, 2021, 4:24 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on William T. Reid's post.
Posted: Mar 5, 2021, 9:02 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to his own comment.
Keith Brewster Exactly. That's why I said dead punching bag.
Posted: Mar 5, 2021, 8:59 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Tom Skilling's post.
Crazy illusion. Sometimes in a very flat desert area, cars ahead of me seem to "float" in mid air like that!
It's just the mirage effect (looks like mirror smooth water on the horizon) and blocks the actual horizon, but objects above this refractive temperature inversion may appear undistorted (like the cars or ship in this case).
Posted: Mar 5, 2021, 6:35 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Facebook App's video.
I was almost kicked off here for making "inappropriate" comments on people's weight - But I see many other comments on this thread that make mine look like a friendly joke.
Posted: Mar 5, 2021, 6:28 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Tim Marshall's post.
So basically the second shot gives you Covid-19 - But a "beatable dead punching bag" version of it! Now your immune system should be ready to recognize and knock the sh't out of the real version of it!
Posted: Mar 4, 2021, 3:17 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Lola Sparks's video.
Why just stop? Police just wait so long = Why? Oh well.
Posted: Mar 4, 2021, 2:47 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Dagmar Kress's comment.
Dagmar Kress Ofcourse! Once I get back out there I'll let you know!
You flying?
Posted: Mar 4, 2021, 2:25 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Margie Kieper's post.
Posted: Mar 4, 2021, 1:37 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Dagmar Kress's comment.
Dagmar Kress I'm back with the company (and have been back since September). But not physically. Everything is remote now because of Covid-19.
Posted: Mar 4, 2021, 1:17 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Chad Lawson's comment.
Chad Lawson Yeah. As long as the rest of US behave :)
Posted: Mar 4, 2021, 1:14 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Dave Lewison's post.
Posted: Mar 4, 2021, 1:11 PM

Exactly a year ago (yesterday, March 3) was such a sad day. But looking up as I was hired back by E*Trade / Morgan Stanley as a remote IT guy. Hope these good trends continue!Place: Centennial, Colorado (39.5805, -104.9042) Address: Centennial, CO 80015
Posted: Mar 4, 2021, 1:03 PM

Posted: Mar 4, 2021, 10:49 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Tony Mesias's post.
Posted: Mar 4, 2021, 10:49 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Shannan Cain's comment.
Posted: Mar 4, 2021, 10:45 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Dave Lewison's post.
Posted: Mar 4, 2021, 6:28 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Adam Cooley's post.
Posted: Mar 3, 2021, 5:36 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Pam Belleau's comment.
Posted: Mar 3, 2021, 5:34 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Dagmar Kress's post.
Posted: Mar 3, 2021, 3:49 PM

We all know the drill - Don't do it ;)If you didn't order something - And you see something like this, just delete it.
Posted: Mar 3, 2021, 3:19 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Timothy Paul Bond's comment.
Timothy Paul Bond London fog is a result of the warmer Gulf stream (north Atlantic drift). Also look at how high a latitude Europe is at (esp. Norway and the British Isles).
Draw a line west and you'll be over Greenland (permanent glaciers / ice sheet) and into Canada in almost near permafrost - so inhospitable its scarcely populated! Meanwhile in Scotland it's +50 deg F in the winter with drizzle (and in Canada it's 45 below and blizzard at the same latitude).
Posted: Mar 3, 2021, 3:11 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Tom Skilling's post.
The images really show the Gulf stream current (and eddies / gyres off it) beautifully.
As for any climate changes, man made or not, the end results are extremely difficult to assume and might even be counter intuitive (like global warmimg causing some places to become cooler due to weather systems being displaced, or storms / droughts frequently happening in places that rarely got them in historical data).
Posted: Mar 3, 2021, 3:08 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to John Gray's comment.
David Draun Rapidly sinking air from high altitude also occurs in the eyes of powerful tropical systems too.
The "Day after tomorrow" had one highly erroneous line saying "the air is descending too rapidly, and does not have time to warm up..." - That's junk science and completely violates the laws of physics.
Rapidly descending air will always heat up due to adiabatics.
Posted: Mar 3, 2021, 3:06 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to John Gray's comment.
David Draun I remember looking at the "polar vortex" event in Chicago (early Feb 2019) it was like 40 below from "just above the ground" at night - all the way up through the air column - Still 40 below (deg F or C doesn't matter they're the same) or so at 35,000 feet. The GFS on CODs site showed the "dynamic tropopause" at 925 mb or less. So basically "no" troposphere?
Posted: Mar 3, 2021, 2:56 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Laurie Knecht's comment.
Raymond Teeling It records your plate at every plaza. BUT when you look on their website and try to pull up by plate to pay online, it does not show all the plazas. Even after 2 weeks they don't show up!
However, the ones you don't see (when trying to pay online) will be eventually billed to you plus late fees.
Posted: Mar 3, 2021, 2:54 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Laurie Knecht's comment.
Laurie Knecht You cannot pay cash. Covid-19 shut it down..
It works by your plate. You got 2 weeks to pay by looking up your plate on their site - but be warned, not all of the tolling plazas showed up and they later charged me for them with huge late fees.
Posted: Mar 3, 2021, 2:51 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Phil Carlson's comment.
Phil Carlson Yeah they also keep track of each toll plaza you go through ... Then when you go one their site to pay by plate they don't show you all the plazas you passed through - from the end of the 2 week grace period and long after - despite you being honest and paying everything that is shown to you!
Then 3 or 6 months later they bill you for those plazas (the ones you DIDNT SEE on their site for your plate) plus a $20 late fee. Morons.
Posted: Mar 3, 2021, 2:49 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Fay, Farrow & Associates, P.C.'s post.
If they're so good at "handling data" then why the f'ck did they send me a $20.50 bill (missed 50 cent toll plus $20 late fee) when I paid online last summer for every plaza I passed through by plate (cash collector booths were closed due to Covid-19) within the 2 week grace period?
Posted: Mar 3, 2021, 2:38 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Steven Weng's post.
Posted: Mar 3, 2021, 2:34 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Bill Hark's photo.
Mainly for me it's burning and watery eyes. Not in FL nor CA but I remember in Illinois it was awful. Like uncontrollable tearing and burning eyes. I wonder what kind of allergy is that?
Posted: Mar 3, 2021, 2:32 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Laura Tyler's post.

Posted: Mar 3, 2021, 2:25 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Clarine Podrebarac Hibler's comment.
Clarine Podrebarac Hibler Mineral crystals.
Posted: Mar 3, 2021, 9:25 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Margie Kieper's post.
Posted: Mar 3, 2021, 9:24 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura wrote on Chris Heater's timeline.
Happy Birthday
Posted: Mar 3, 2021, 9:24 AM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura wrote on Becky Lee-Wale's timeline.
Happy Birthday
Posted: Mar 2, 2021, 6:53 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura replied to Mike Lockwood's comment.
Mike Lockwood $225 trillion to save 225 million lives from Covid-19 too. It's all relative :]
Posted: Mar 2, 2021, 6:52 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Denver7's post.
One word: Nature.
Posted: Mar 2, 2021, 5:17 PM
Sky-Chaser Chris Collura commented on Bill Hark's post.
My primary doctor in Florida informed me that I'll be "eligible" for my vaccine "sometime" in 2022. So I consider it nil and just keep practicing what "all the other Americans" fail to do until then :)
And NO (contrary to FB belief). I have nothing against Trump nor Chinese people.
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