Facebook Timeline Posts For August 2013
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Posts And Comments For August 2013
Posted: Aug 31, 2013, 4:15 PM
Chris Collura updated his status.
If you SMOKE - Take this IN...
After skydiving today I was lucky enough to throw my arms around my mother and tell her she's the BEST!
She just found out her cancer is again rearing it's ugly head ... She's now going onto chemotherapy.
My mom was always there for me ... She's my angel, my inspiration, my 'life' as a child. Pray for her ... She was taken down by cancer before, and - trust me - she'll just get right back up!
Screw cancer and SCREW smoking!!!!!
Posted: Aug 30, 2013, 1:57 PM
Chris Collura updated his status.
Long weekend ahead ... Friday (and tropics still quiet). Just found out that my insurance (State Farm) may pick up the tab for the OKC hit-and-run in addition to investigating the tool that did it!
Posted: Aug 29, 2013, 7:59 AM
Chris Collura updated his status.
8 years ago today ... The activity called "Hurricane Chasing" was almost a "something to do every other weekend" type of thing! I was in the gauntlet of Katrina's wrath about this time.
Basically 2004 / 2005 was like chasing in a place like the Phillipines or W Pacific - Right here in the states. One after another, many hitting the same place.
This year so far, not even a hurricane yet. Not a single hurricane. Booooo....
Posted: Aug 27, 2013, 5:01 PM
Chris Collura updated his status.
Special thanks to the stupid MORON who cut me off in Mustang OK on May 31 and split. I had the pleasure of returning home and opening my mailbox and found a $3785 bill in it from Dollar / Thrifty DTG rental.
Credit card refused to pay these overages because the rental company's insurance was covered ($3,000 limit, over that you pay). If I get really lucky my R1 on my car (personal) policy will lower it to $902. I guess if a hurricane hits the Yucatan this year I won't be going.
Posted: Aug 27, 2013, 4:57 PM
Chris Collura added a new photo.

Posting this NOW after getting a really wonderful 'surprise' in my mailbox today from DTG rental asking me for $3785 ... When you are storm chasing - DON'T drive through a city!!!!! This careless SCUMBAG in this "black" car just split after hitting me ... I also found out that such 'overages' are NOT covered by other insurance - Such as the rental coverage on the credit card (but IF I declined the coverage at the counter, the credit card would have paid EVERYTHING). Oh, yeah … I have just about $3500 in my checking account right now – With rent due this week. Bring it on May 31 … You already killed 3 great scientists.
Posted: Aug 27, 2013, 7:52 AM
Chris Collura updated his status.
Back from California early this morning (8/27) on the SFO to FLL "red eye" route. Trip was a great break from FL and work here as well as my best friend's birthday. Nothing missed tropical wise either.
I see all these 'historical comments' ... xx years ago today, hurricane xx hit here, and blah blah blah ... The last time I saw NOT A SINGLE hurricane by the END of August was - well, I can't remember (any of you guys comment on that)!
They say the tropics is gonna pick up ... Humm - Weren't they saying that about the US Economy right after 9/11? Hopefully not a pattern...
Posted: Aug 23, 2013, 8:57 AM
Chris Collura added a new photo.

B 747 (after crossing pacific) on final approach into SFO (Aug 22, 2013).
Posted: Aug 23, 2013, 8:57 AM
Chris Collura added a new photo.

Tropical disturbance off NW Florida / Panhandle from airliner passing by at 36,000'. Aug 22, 2013.
Posted: Aug 23, 2013, 8:57 AM
Chris Collura added a new photo.

Well "above" that damn wall (Asiana Airlines impact point) on final approach into SFO (Aug 22, 2013).
Posted: Aug 23, 2013, 8:57 AM
Chris Collura added a new photo.

Tropical disturbance off NW Florida / Panhandle from airliner passing by at 36,000'. Aug 22, 2013.
Posted: Aug 21, 2013, 6:17 AM
Chris Collura added a new photo.

What's WRONG with this image from NHC?1). Date says Aug 21 (should be Jun or Nov)?2). Year is '2013', should be something line '1986'?3). Mr SAL Uchenna Obinabo has left the building?4). ALL of the above...
Posted: Aug 21, 2013, 5:56 AM
Chris Collura updated his status.
Back to school?
Mommy: "OK Kids ... No No NO!!! - You can't have the hello-kitty shirt ... I know the 'bullet proof vest' will be what I think is best for you..."
Kids: -- "Oh but ma?" ...
Mommy: "-- Shutup ... We're going to the tactical store for that vest and I don't wanna hear it!"
Posted: Aug 19, 2013, 6:35 AM
Chris Collura updated his status.
Now I am really happy I rolled the dice and booked trip to N California from Aug 22 to 26! Also was cool seeing the cost for the rental car at SFO drop from $289 to $104...
At least ... I am nearly guaranteed to NOT miss anything tropical - SAL should keep shear and dry air across nearly the entire Atlantic. 2007 I made the same trip (the last time it was SO QUIET) - Not a good sign for chasers wishing to intercept a hurricane - Maybe September...
Posted: Aug 17, 2013, 2:22 PM
Chris Collura added a new photo.

Skydiving next to thunderstorm over Clewiston, FL - Aug 17, 2013 - Damn that rain HURTS!
Posted: Aug 17, 2013, 2:22 PM
Chris Collura added a new photo.

Skydiving next to thunderstorm over Clewiston, FL - Aug 17, 2013 - Small funnel in center of photo (slowly rotating)!
Posted: Aug 16, 2013, 12:47 PM
Chris Collura updated his status.
Won't happen ... Jokes about "football teams" and Invest near the Yucatan made perfect sense - Especially since I mentioned the Miami Dolphins ... Who actually have a better chance at the "super bowl" than a hurricane hitting FL right now (statistically that is) :(
Erin is also dead as well - Owing to shear, cold (?) water, and dry stable SAL (Saharan Air). Remember folks - 2005 was 8 years ago - If you really wanna see "the EYEWALL" ... Go where the 'eyes' are "slanty" (hint)...
Posted: Aug 14, 2013, 8:34 AM
Chris Collura updated his status.
Watching developing tropical disturbance in NW Carribean to move NW into southern Gulf next few days (other disturbance off Africa probably to remain at sea) ... Maybe this is finally something?
Posted: Aug 13, 2013, 6:58 AM
Posted: Aug 12, 2013, 4:24 PM
Chris Collura commented on a post.
Posted: Aug 11, 2013, 6:06 PM
Chris Collura added a new photo.

Hey Obama (you IDIOT) ... What Floor? Going UP?
Posted: Aug 10, 2013, 4:53 PM
Chris Collura updated his status.
We're losing great storm chasers lately like flies ... Now Susan Strom is gone? WTF is going on here?
Posted: Aug 9, 2013, 4:38 PM
Chris Collura updated his status.
Strange work week completed - Learned I am at least some value to my dying company... Not too bad - Given S FL is the "land of no" for many (esp with dating).
Anyway, weekend's here enjoy! Tropical activity? Not a chance - SAL inversion in full effect for now. Hopefully get "activity" after my California trip after Aug 26 :)
Posted: Aug 9, 2013, 5:22 AM
Chris Collura added a new photo.

Why do we all have to put up with this crap?1). People losing their jobs for every little thing done wrong?2). People who simply do not want to work and / or not do their job (and get canned)?I can safely assume #2 in this case :-(
Posted: Aug 8, 2013, 6:04 PM
Chris Collura updated his status.
Good day all ... Well - The US Economy dramatic / soap opera BS continues.
There was a guy, busted his a-hole, tried and tried and tried to HELP me and my boss. There for 2 weeks, fired on the spot today.
Too freaking CHEAP to hire any help - Yes - Yours truly will make it work (ME, who else would?) ... Then when he gets HELP that TRIES - He fires them (after ONE strike).
US Economy? Yes, its EFF'd to SH_T ... And why?
Lots of AMERICAN DOUCHEBAGS who bought EXPENSIVE stuff (like houses), ON CREDIT, not even THINKING about how to pay for it LATER. ARM loans, yes - YOU know who YOU are!
After 9/11 the USA was SCREWEED economically - But many MADE BELEIVE it was OK - Failed to watch their money ... So HERE we ARE :(
Now we all pay - Thanks everyone (who managed their finances like crap) - Seeing my best buddy at work being fired right in front of me - HURTS!
Yes, we were hit hard with terrorism ... But all we have to do is just use our CORRECT "heads" (when it's FAR from OK).
I'm sick and TIRED of my boss FIRING people who cannot meet his HIGH expectations ... The only GOOD TTHING about all this ... Chris Collura (AKA "ME") must be doing something "RIGHT" - I was there since April 2010 :)
Posted: Aug 8, 2013, 7:44 AM
Chris Collura added a new photo.

Not the best quality picture, but it clearly shows the "noctilucent" (Latin for "glowing at night") cloud looming high over the East-Central Florida coast during the evening of August 7, 2013. This is not a natural cloud, but part of a vapor (or "chem") trail plume left by a Delta rocket launch. The picture here was taken from west of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, quite far from the launch site (Cape Canaveral). Being at an altitude of about 50 miles up (at least 250,000 feet), the cloud is still in bright sunlight (above the dusk terminator), making it shine in the "night" sky (reflected sunlight). It also appears high in the sky despite being at least 150 miles away!
Posted: Aug 2, 2013, 6:37 AM
Chris Collura added a new photo.

Remnants of TS Dorian in early August 2013 over S Florida. This system came all the way across the Atlantic from Africa, and the high-cloud remnants of it (after being sheared by an upper TUTT low can be seen here).
Posted: Aug 2, 2013, 6:37 AM
Chris Collura added a new photo.

Remnants of TS Dorian in early August 2013 over S Florida. This system came all the way across the Atlantic from Africa, and the high-cloud remnants of it (after being sheared by an upper TUTT low can be seen here).
Posted: Aug 1, 2013, 4:36 PM
Chris Collura updated his status.
Just realized I worked from 8 to 6 for the past 2 weeks and have not earned shit.
I'm paid by project completion - not hours. Unfortunately the past 2 weeks was fixing issues for closed projects - for free!
Rent due, insurance and gas keeps going up... No work IN MY STATE or AREA - Jeez.
The USA and its economy can just fuck itself and then some! Screw Obama AND anyone who bought a house that was foreclosed - Just THINK next time!!!!
Oh and the disasters and such ... It's karma ... Stop going to war in a 3rd world country we should not get involved in! 9/11 was a warning ;(
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