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This is an edited video of rides and fun at the Miami-Dade County Youth Fair from near March of 1994 and 1999, as well as March of 2008 and 2011. It has video shot on-ride (POV) as well as off-ride, ranging from older Hi-8 video to the newer digital HD (such as GoPro) video in the latter years. It also includes video from other major county fairs and thrill rides, including the South Florida Fair in Palm Beach County, Florida. See some of the most extreme thrill rides the county fair has to offer!

The video requires at least a DSL connection and the latest FLASH Media Plugin for best results. This video is hosted to and linked to the YOUTUBE site (you can visit them at Click on the "play" icon in the video above if it does not start automatically.

HTML File "fairvid.htm" - Developed By Chris Collura

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